Hi there,
A plant protein was expressed in E.coli with a His tag and purified it
using Ni-NTA spin column. On native PAGE, the protein appeared as oligomers
in presence of tris or phosphate buffer, but appeared as monomer in
presence of hepes or mops buffer (all at same pH).
A similar (but weaker) self association was detected using plant crude
extract (no His tag).
Not a biochemist, I would be pleased to have any comment about the meaning
of these differences in oligomerization in different buffer conditions ?
Thanks for your help!
francoise.martz at metla.fi
Françoise Martz
The Finnish Forest Research Institute
Rovaniemi Research Station
P.O. Box 16
96301 Rovaniemi, Finland
Tel: +358 16 336 4325 - Fax: +358 16 336 4640