
Ewa Skrzypczak ejankun at protein.chem.utoledo.edu
Tue Sep 25 12:06:14 EST 2001

Postdoctoral Position in Protein Crystallography

Location: Medical College of Ohio, Toledo, Ohio, USA
URL: http://www.mco.edu  or http://golemxiv.dh.mco.edu/~jerzy
Start Date: immediately
Duration: 1 year with possible extension (NIH 5 years grant)
Description: Postdoctoral position to conduct structural X-ray analysis of proteins and enzymes involved in cancer. The isolation and purification procedure is known and proteins are produced 'in house' (mutated PAI-1, uPA, lipoxygenase) and will be provided to you for crystallization. Applicant should have a strong background in data collection and structure determination (data processing, phasing, refinement, graphical modeling). Experience with crystallographic programs for calculations and graphical evaluation of the results is a must as well as proficiency in English. Skills in the 'wet' laboratory work desirable but not required. The place is well equipped with SGI workstations, PCs and peripherals, RaxisIV imaging plate detector with focusing mirrors, 2theta stage and cryostat, access to synchrotron beam. This is an opportunity for a motivated person, to work in an international team, in multitasking environment, on highly challenging projects, within the renowned medical school. Available immediately, applications excepted till position filled.
Please submit: cv, application letter with summary of your experience and 3 names (address, phone or e-mail) of references, by e-mail or fax to E.S-J.
Person to contact: Dr. Ewa Skrzypczak-Jankun, phone (419)530-1534, fax (419) 530-4033, e-mail: ejankun at protein.wo.utoledo.edu
Surface mail: Dr. Jerzy Jankun, Director, Urology Research Center, Department of Urology, Medical College of Ohio, 3065 Arlington Ave., Toledo, OH 43614-5807, USA
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