molmodel/bionet.molec-model </hypermail/molmodel/>
The physical & chemical aspects of molecular modelling.
molreps/bionet.molecules.repertoires </hypermail/molreps/>
Generation and use of libraries of molecules. (Moderated)
mutation/prototype </hypermail/mutation/>
Prototype newsgroup
mycology/bionet.mycology </hypermail/mycology/>
Research with fungal life. (Moderated)
n2fix/bionet.biology.n2-fixation </hypermail/n2fix/>
Research issues on biological nitrogen fixation.
navbo/ </hypermail/navbo/>
North American Vascular Biology Organization. (Moderated)
neur-sci/bionet.neuroscience </hypermail/neur-sci/>
Research issues in the neurosciences.
p450/bionet.molecules.p450 </hypermail/p450/>
Research on cytochrome P450
parasite/bionet.parasitology </hypermail/parasite/>
Research discussions in parasitology. (Moderated)
peptides/bionet.molecules.peptides </hypermail/peptides/>
Research involving peptides (Moderated)
Dear Researchers:
The Coded Electronic Life Library, or CELL, acts as a librarian of many
public databases such as EMBL/GenBank, SWISSPROT, OMIM, Gene Ontologies
and Medline by automatically cross-referencing their respective data in
a searchable, ontology-based network. It also merges over 40 naming
systems, ending the frustration that comes from many names being applied
to the same biological entity.
The unique Entity Browser interface allows the user to graphically
browse the ontological relationships. Using the CELL Entity Browser,
you can visually navigate the ontological relationships between genes,
proteins, organisms, biochemical pathways, disease models, tissue types
and literature. Experimental results can rapidly be put into
biological/functional context, extracting real knowledge from data.
Please take advantage of a free trial evaluation at
For more information please contact me directly.
Andrew Pitlock
Client Relations
Incellico, Inc.
tel (919) 484-7222 ext 242
apitlock at incellico.com