Request Your FREE PCR Tissue Homogenizing Kit Demo

stewartl at alkami.com stewartl at alkami.com
Wed May 16 19:53:21 EST 2001

Ideal for RT-PCR, Competitive PCR, Supression PCR, Differential Display
PCR, Ribonuclease Protein Assays, and DNA or RNA Blot Analysis. From
Omni International.

Request any of these and more FREE laboratory samples, software, demos,
and publications at http://www.alkami.com/offers/request03.htm. Alkami
Biosystems is a FREE online laboratory resource for molecular

             * DNA Agar -  From Midwest Scientific 
             * Quick-Stick Ligase Kit™-. From Midwest Scientific 
             * 1.5 ml Microcentrifuge Tubes - From Axygen Scientific
             * 0.2 ml PCR tubes - From Axygen Scientific

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