protein folding

Frank Fuerst ffrank at rz.uni-potsdam.de
Mon May 14 03:14:57 EST 2001

"Inés Baeza Hernández" <ibh at ono.com> wrote:

>   Dear colleagues.
>I'm working in overexpression of an halophilic protein in E.coli. I obtain
>this protein as inclusion bodies, but I cannot refolding it. I have proven
>several buffers (tris, phosphate, hepes) at different pH, salt and
>temperature. Have you some idea?. Thanks in advance

Did you ever get anything active? At least a very small amount?

Does your protein contain cysteines, does it form disulfide bonds?

At which protein concentrations did you try to refold?

Bye, Frank
>> Mus ich maunten? wie geth es?
> Das verraet Dir man mount
Was muss man rauchen, um so einen Schwachsinn parsen zu können?
[ein DAU, Regina V. Kappes und Robin S. Socha in dcoulmisc]

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