> But the happy ending is that I eventually got 0.52mm long crystals. And
> you are right, the plasticware I used was full of dust! Mike.
Congrats !
What really bites is that only about 6-15% of all proteins that are
cloned more or less indiscriminately (as in 'structural genomics') ever
crystallize. We have a sample of about 40 proteins but don't take my
word for it - recent results of the structural genomics consortia show
the same trend.
We have a pretty good methodology to bring the proteins that show
crystallinity to the final stage (i.e. well behaved single crystals) but
the problem is still getting this first hit.
|Dr. Artem Evdokimov Protein Engineering |
| NCI-Frederick Tel. (301)846-5401 |
| FAX (301)846-7148 |
|eudokima at mail.ncifcrf.gov |
|http://www.ncifcrf.gov/plague |