Techniques for Characterization of Complex Carbohydrates
Two courses will be offered in the summer of 2001 at the Complex
Carbohydrate Research Center (CCRC) of The University of Georgia:
Course 1, Analytical Techniques for Carbohydrate Structure
Determination (June 11-15) and Course 2, Separation and Characterization
of Glycoconjugate Oligosaccharides (June 18-22).
The courses consist of hands-on laboratory work, lectures, and
demonstrations. Also included are modules on using mass spectrometry
and/or NMR for analysis of glycoconjugates. A laboratory manual
incorporating selected analytical techniques and references will
be provided. Each course will feature a guest lecture on a current
research topic in carbohydrate science. More details can be seen
at the CCRC web site (
For further information and an application form contact Dr. Roberta K.
Merkle, CCRC, 220 Riverbend Road, The University of Georgia, Athens,
Georgia 30602-4712. Phone: 706-542-4402. FAX: 706-542-4412. E-mail:
rmerkle at