Protein Solvents

Dr. Artem Evdokimov eudokima at mail.ncifcrf.gov
Tue Jun 26 14:20:07 EST 2001

What should contain S, the protein or the solvent ? I suspect the
solvent but it'd be nice if you clarified.

Also, does the protein have to stay native ? How much protein per ml of
solvent do you need to pack ? Can you clarify your request a bit ?

Not knowing any of the above, DMSO comes up as an obvious choice.


Stayce wrote:
> I am trying to find a good solvent for protein that contains sulfur. I
> would appreciate any ideas that anyone has. Thank you

|Dr. Artem Evdokimov   Protein Engineering |
| NCI-Frederick        Tel. (301)846-5401  |
|              FAX (301)846-7148           |
|        eudokima at mail.ncifcrf.gov         |
|      http://www.ncifcrf.gov/plague       |

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