SurfIP Intellectual Property Portal - Join Now -FREE

lilysim lily.sim at BIGontheNet.com
Wed Jun 20 20:35:59 EST 2001

Dear Sir/Madam,

Since SurfIP <http://www.SurfIP.gov.sg> was launched in July 2000, thousands
of people have used its integrated search facilities to mine intellectual
property and related technical information to their advantage.

SurfIP is a vertical portal that offers convenient access to multiple
sources, such as IP databases, and legal and business websites in one search
operation. The patent sources that can be searched include our partners who
are key international IP bodies, such as the European Patent Office (EPO),
the UK Patent Office, and the World Intellectual Property Organization

Register NOW to search international patent databases, technical sources,
and enable the premium services available free to members.  As a bonus, we
will enter you in a lucky draw to be held on 05 July 2001, in which you
stand to win up to US$1000 worth of prizes !

You must register BEFORE 30 June 2001 to qualify !

To register, simply click on the link below (or copy and paste it into the
address bar in your web browser)


If you have any questions or comments, please drop me a line at
Lily.Sim at BIGontheNet.com  I look forward to hearing from you.

Best Regards
Lily Sim
For the SurfIP Team

Terms and conditions apply to the lucky draw.  Please see
<http://www.SurfIP.gov.sg/SurfIP_LuckyDraw.htm> for details.

This message has been sent to you on behalf of SurfIP and the Intellectual
Property Office of Singapore <http://www.IPOS.gov.sg> by BIGontheNet

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