Postdoc position, Sweden

Leszek Andrzej Kleczkowski lakleczk at bioslave.uio.no
Wed Jan 24 07:45:59 EST 2001

Postdoc in protein structure/function

A postdoc position is currently available in my laboratory at the 
Department of Plant Physiology, Umea Plant Science Centre, Umea 
University, Sweden.  The position concerns studies on structure/ 
function properties of a higher plant UDP-glucose pyrophosphorylase 
(UGPase), a key enzyme of UDP-glucose formation.  The primary goal of 
this project is to identify regions in the amino acid sequence of UGPase 
that are responsible for subunit/ subunit interactions, protein 
oligomerization and binding regulatory proteins.  The position requires 
strong background in gene manipulation (e.g. site-directed mutagenesis, 
two hybrid system), and some experience with protein/enzyme work.  The 
position is financed by the biotechnology grant from Umea University 
initially for 12 months, with a possibility of extension for one more 
year.  The position carries a yearly tax-free salary of 168,000-180,000 
SEK, depending on experience.  A Ph.D. degree in an appropriate area is 
required.  Qualified candidates are encouraged to send a letter of 
interest (together with c.v. and e-mail addresses of two referees) either 
through e-mail (preferably), fax or snail-mail to: Dr. Leszek A. 
Kleczkowski, Department of Plant Physiology, Umea University, S-901-87 
Umea, SWEDEN; e-mail: Leszek.Kleczkowski at plantphys.umu.se; fax: 

The UPSC provides a thriving environment for scientific advancement, 
with over 30 researchers having combined skills in molecular biology, 
gene technology, plant physiology and biochemistry.   For more 
information on  research activities at UPSC please consult our web 
page at http://www.upsc.nu/.

Leszek A. Kleczkowski

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