Need help generating strucural model from atomic coordinates

Angelo Mondragon aam at MIT.EDU
Mon Jan 22 15:02:55 EST 2001

I  have a basic question that I hope someone can help me with.  I am not a
structural biologist but as a result of a collaboration I have  a set of
atomic coordinate data  for a protein X-ray diffraction structure as a text
list of ATOM records that look like this:

ATOM     13  O   PRO    22      33.496  19.282  44.876  1.00 54.35      A

I would like to generate a structural model of this protein using the
coordinates using the QUANTA software from Molecular Simulations Inc. but I
have not been able to yet.

Can anyone explain to me how to do this?  I also have access to Insight II
and Rasmol but I would prefer to use QUANTA to do this.

Thanks for your consideration.

Best Regards,

Angelo Mondragon
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