gentle elution buffer

Dima Klenchin klenchin at REMOVE_TO_REPLY.facstaff.wisc.edu
Thu Jan 18 22:02:50 EST 2001

Roger Murphy <roger.murphy at ludwig.edu.au> wrote:
:I seem to remember some discussion of "gentle elution buffer" for
:eluting antibodies from protein A some time ago - if my memory serves me
:correctly, it was basically magnesium chloride solution.  Does anyone
:remember the recipe for this buffer?

Yes, I remember because I posted it :-)
3.5 - 3.6 M MgCl2, pH 6.5 as measured by a regular calomel 
electrode (naturally, at this salt conc. the true pH should be 
considerably different). The main disadvantage is you can't
really measure protein conveniently in the presence of 
3.5 M Mg2+ - Bradford loses sensitivity, BCA precipitates

Not sure what they buffer it with or even if they do, but
anything will work and I am told by my wife that in her hands 
pH 7.0 appears to be as effective. In my hands, the elution works
a lot better at rt. In the cold, fractions tend to "tail" a lot 
more. Make sure to leave plenty of free space in the bag
when you dialyze. 

        - Dima

P.S. Isn't it funny that Pierce recommends storing this solution
in the cold? Like anything can grow in 3.5 M MgCl2! 

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