Purified Urea

Dr. Peter Gegenheimer PGegen at UKans.nolospamare.edu
Thu Jan 18 13:32:45 EST 2001

On Tue, 16 Jan 2001 14:42:23, "Randy" <rldurren at bchserver.bch.ncsu.edu> wrote:

ð Our lab is trying to find a procedure to purify Urea. Does anyone out there
ð have a procedure/reference to purify this chemical? Any help will be greatly
ð appreciated.
For electrophoresis purposes, the only purification necessary is to remove
charged breakdown products like ammonia, etc. This is done by stirring the
solution of urea with mixed-bed ion exchange resin. Use a resin like BioRad AG
501-X8 (D) which contains a color indicator. Stir until the color changes from
blue to tan. Filter off the resin; repeat the process until the newly-added
resin doesn't change color.

For acrylamide gels, it's ideal to deionize the solution of acrylamide plus
urea, before adding buffer.

| Dr. Peter Gegenheimer       | Vox: 785-864-3939  FAX: 785-864-5321   |
| Department of               |   PGegen at UKans.nospam.edu              |
|   Molecular Biosciences     |   http://rnaworld.bio.ukans.edu/       |
| University of Kansas        |"When you have excluded the impossible, |
| 1200 Sunnyside Ave.         |  whatever remains, however improbable, |
| Lawrence  KS  66045-7534    |  must be the truth."      S. Holmes    |

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