EMBO Bioinformatics Summer School 2001

James McInerney james.o.mcinerney at may.ie
Tue Jan 16 13:54:22 EST 2001

Dear all,

I am writing to inform you of the 2001 EMBO Bioinformatics Course being held
at the National University of Ireland, Maynooth, Republic of Ireland from
June 24th to July 1st.

This course is funded by EMBO (http://www.embo.org/) and so the registration
fees, food and accommodation are being funded by EMBO.  Travel to the course
is not funded by EMBO.  Participation is however, restricted to EMBO member
countries (most countries in Europe).

If you would like to participate in this course, please visit the course


This website will be constantly updated, so please call back regularly.

In order to apply, you must email me (James McInerney) with your CV and a
letter stating your reasons for wanting to participate in this course and
how it might assist you in the future.

Kindest regards,


Dr. James O. McInerney,
Bioinformatics and Pharmacogenomics Laboratory,
Department of Biology,
National University of Ireland,
Co. Kildare,
+353 1 708 3860
+353 1 708 3845


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