Protein purification

Artem Evdokimov AEVDOKIMOZ at cinci.rr.com
Thu Dec 20 00:00:25 EST 2001

Gel filtration will not solve this problem in a generic case. In some
instances, partially misfolded stuff will aggregate and elute in the void
due to the enormous m.w. of the aggregates, but there will always be some
stuff sticking to the native (folded) protein.


""Tomas Bratt"" <tb at pharmexa.com> wrote in message
news:3225D2B15AC15347BE402C6FBA7B115A5D69EF at MORPHEUS.me.dk...

I think gel filtration will solve your problem. The same protein with
different folding have different Stokes radius and thus will run
differently on gelfiltration.

Good luck



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