ProtComp V4, sub-cellular localization, incorporates recognition of GPI-anchor sites

webmaster_softberry_com at acedsl.com webmaster_softberry_com at acedsl.com
Wed Dec 12 18:13:23 EST 2001

ProtComp - Version 4: Program for Identification of sub-cellular localization 
of Eukaryotic proteins: Animal/Fungi - Plants

New release of our program for predicting protein sub-cellular localization, 

ProtComp http://www.softberry.com/protein.html

 incorporates recognition of GPI-anchor sites and some other improvements. 

The third release of ProtComp includes separately trained recognizers for 
and plant proteins. Such separation dramatically improves recognition accuracy, 
for major compartments, such as plasma membrane, nuclear, extracellular, 
achieves 70-90% level. 

The program is based on complex neural-network recognizers, which identify 
of the subcellular localization in nucleus, plasma membrane, extracellular, 
mitochondrial, chloroplast, endoplasmic reticulum, peroxisomal, lysosomal or 
Golgi compartments. 
Example of Output results: Presents scores for different networks and the final 

Output sample:

Protcomp Version 4. Identifying sub-cellular location (Animals&Fungi)

Seq name: P52307 552 580
Significant similarity in Location DB -  Location:Plasma membrane  S=9390, 
LS=576 LA=450
Predicted by Neural Nets - Plasma membrane with score    2.3
******** Potential GPI-anchor in position 552 is found
Integral Prediction of protein location: Plasma membrane with score    4.3
Location weights:     LocDB / PotLocDB / Neural Nets / Integral
 Nuclear                0.0 /      0.0 /        0.73 /     0.73
 Plasma membrane     9390.0 /      0.0 /        2.26 /     4.34
 Extracellular       6200.0 /      0.0 /        1.95 /     3.33
 Cytoplasmic            0.0 /      0.0 /        0.72 /     0.72
 Mitochondrial          0.0 /      0.0 /        0.74 /     0.74
 Endoplasm. retic.      0.0 /      0.0 /        0.62 /     0.62
 Peroxisomal            0.0 /      0.0 /        1.14 /     1.14
 Lysosomal              0.0 /      0.0 /        0.28 /     0.28
 Golgi                  0.0 /      0.0 /        0.28 /     0.28

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