ALL E. coli proteins with MW~25.2 kDa

nospam at our.site nospam at our.site
Wed Apr 25 14:18:45 EST 2001

This message has been posted by:  Raphael Chaleil <r.chaleil at REMOVE-THIS-TO-SENDicrf.icnet.uk>

Cyril Privezentzev wrote:
> Dear Colleagues:
> I need to find a list of ALL E. coli proteins with MW~25.2 kDa. What tool
> could be useful for it?
> Thanx,
> Dr. Cyril V. Privezentzev
> CNRS UMR 8532
> Institute Gustave Roussy
> 39, rue Camille Desmoulins
> 94805 Villejuif Cedex
> Tel.  33 1 42115404
> Fax  33 1 42115276
> ---
Here is the list of all E. coli proteins between 25 and 25.4 kDa in
SwissProt; PAC is the SwissProt primary accession number; the sequences
are available from http://ca.expasy.org/sprot  

mysql> select PAC,entry_name,MW from swiss where entry_name like
"%_ECOLI" and MW>=25000 and MW<=25400;
| PAC    | entry_name | MW    |
| P30843 | BASR_ECOLI | 25045 |
| P31676 | ENVR_ECOLI | 25198 |
| P76281 | EXOX_ECOLI | 25133 |
| P25402 | FANE_ECOLI | 25314 |
| P24185 | FDNI_ECOLI | 25368 |
| P31068 | FLIH_ECOLI | 25050 |
| P46008 | FOCC_ECOLI | 25199 |
| P27294 | INAA_ECOLI | 25296 |
| P21866 | KDPE_ECOLI | 25362 |
| P37005 | LAST_ECOLI | 25259 |
| P06722 | MUTH_ECOLI | 25396 |
| P33598 | NUOB_ECOLI | 25056 |
| P55798 | PRP1_ECOLI | 25274 |
| P55799 | PRP2_ECOLI | 25098 |
| P25531 | RADC_ECOLI | 25343 |
| P03842 | RNPH_ECOLI | 25352 |
| P39306 | SGAE_ECOLI | 25278 |
| Q00738 | TRJ9_ECOLI | 25028 |
| P19396 | TRMH_ECOLI | 25343 |
| P36857 | YADF_ECOLI | 25097 |
| P77279 | YBBL_ECOLI | 25382 |
| P41037 | YBIH_ECOLI | 25016 |
| P75856 | YCBR_ECOLI | 25388 |
| P76256 | YEAZ_ECOLI | 25181 |
| P06979 | YECA_ECOLI | 25039 |
| P33023 | YEIL_ECOLI | 25294 |
| P76543 | YFFL_ECOLI | 25143 |
| P55139 | YGCF_ECOLI | 25029 |
| Q46898 | YGCI_ECOLI | 25209 |
| P03813 | YGEA_ECOLI | 25248 |
| Q46844 | YGHT_ECOLI | 25355 |
| P28722 | YHCA_ECOLI | 25339 |
| P37619 | YHHQ_ECOLI | 25269 |
| P32713 | YJCO_ECOLI | 25079 |
| P39292 | YJFJ_ECOLI | 25333 |
| P39293 | YJFK_ECOLI | 25009 |
| P33999 | YJJG_ECOLI | 25300 |
| P77380 | YLCA_ECOLI | 25394 |
| P75967 | YMFD_ECOLI | 25147 |
| P76114 | YNCC_ECOLI | 25151 |
| P45801 | YRFG_ECOLI | 25399 |
41 rows in set (5.25 sec)

Raphael Chaleil
Biomolecular Modelling Laboratory
Imperial Cancer Research Fund
44 Lincoln's Inn Fields
London WC2A 3PX, England
Tel +44-(0)20-7269-3583
URL lab : http://www.bmm.icnet.uk
URL perso : http://perso.infonie.fr/sphinx05

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