Postdoctoral Position at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory

Leemor Joshua-Tor leemor at cshl.org
Thu Apr 19 10:39:35 EST 2001


Applications are invited for a postdoctoral position in Structural 
Biology at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory to work on complexes 
involved in apoptosis or gene expression. The positions are available 
for highly motivated applicants with a recent Ph. D. and experience 
in either protein crystallography or a related field or those with 
experience in biochemistry or molecular biology and a keen interest 
in protein crystallography and structural biology. Experience in 
protein expression and purification is an advantage.

Our X-ray crystallography facilities include a Rigaku generator, 
mirrors, an R-axis detector, an Oxford cryosystem and several 
graphics workstations. We share a beamline at the nearby National 
Synchrotron Light Source (NSLS) at Brookhaven. We also have 
state-of-the-art facilities for carrying out biochemical and 
molecular biology studies. Cold Spring Harbor provides a unique 
stimulating and very collaborative environment for rich scientific 
interactions. It is a wonderful place to expand ones knowledge of 
biology in many different areas with the many meetings that our 
postdocs can freely attend. For details about CSHL please see our web 
site at: http://www.cshl.org/

Please send CV, list of publications, a summary of research 
experience and interests, and names and numbers of three references 
to Dr. Leemor Joshua-Tor, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, P. O. Box 
100, Cold Spring Harbor, NY 11724. Tel. (516) 367 8821. For 
additional information or informal inquiries, please send e-mail to 
leemor at cshl.org


   Leemor Joshua-Tor, Ph.D.
   Associate Professor
   Keck Structural Biology
   Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory           Tel. (516) 367 8821
   1 Bungtown Road                         Fax  (516) 367 8873
   Cold Spring Harbor, NY 11724            e-mail: leemor at cshl.org
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