Postdoc and Research Assistant Positions in Plant Biotechnology and Biophysics

HM Chen robell at gate.sinica.edu.tw
Wed Apr 11 02:11:53 EST 2001

Postdoc and Research Assistant Positions
Academia Sinica, Taiwan

Two positions, a postdoc and a reserach assistant, are available to plant
biotechnology (expression and/or production of peptides in transgenic
plants) and drug development (antibacterial/anticancer peptides).  A second
position (research assistant) requires candidate having Master Degree. A
strong background in molecular biology  and/or biophysics is required.  The
salary is US$1,600 to US2,400 per month for postdoc and US$1,000 to 1,300
per month for research assistant.  Please send curriculum viate and names of
three references to Dr. HM Chen, Institute of BioAgricultural Sciences,
Academia Sinica, Nankang, Taipei, Taiwan 115.  E-mail:
robell at gate.sinica.edu.tw; Tel:+886-2-2651-5747; Fax:+886-2-2651-5600.


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