Is This An Old Wives Tale about cancer?

SPHINX Technologies sphinx at world.std.com
Wed Apr 4 22:09:41 EST 2001


Thanks for your educational comments.

-John S.

In article <9a9b1h$8rb at llama.swcp.com>,
Martin E. Lewitt <lewitt at swcp.com> wrote:
>What is this about finely tuned preparaton for angiogenesis?  All a
>tumor cell has to figure out is how to make gene control errors while
>dividing without suffering aptopsis or attracting the attention of the
>immune system.  Most would be tumor cells don't manage this.  Any
>normal tissue short of oxygen "calls" for more blood supply.  Every
>normal tissue is finely tuned for angiogenesis.  Some primitive cells
>that have lost most of their differentiation, can form little "canals"
>of their own without assistance from normal angiogensis.  This little
>"canals" are normal for the undifferentiated cells of the embryo.
>Once they stop regulating the expression of their genes they have
>the whole normal genome at their disposal.  However, they can
>stimulate angiogenesis by acting normal without needing any abnormal
>gene expression.                -- Martin
>Personal, not work info:         Martin E. Lewitt             My opinions are
>Domain: lewitt at swcp.com          P.O. Box 729                 my own, not my
>Hm phone:  (505) 281-3248        Sandia Park, NM 87047-0729   employer's. 

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