Is This An Old Wives Tale about cancer?

SPHINX Technologies sphinx at world.std.com
Sun Apr 1 23:35:35 EST 2001

In article <slrn9cflbb.v1.ocurtin at moth.loc>, Curly++ <ocurtin at usa.net> wrote:
>On Sun, 01 Apr 2001 22:42:41 GMT, Prime Mover wrote:
>>the conversation rolled around to the fact that supposedly once you are
>>"opened up or operated upon" the
>>exposure of the cancer to air causes it to spread rapidly and the patient
>Nova did an episode called "Cancer Warrior" about Dr. Folkman.  
>IIRC, they described an angiogeneis-based theory for this.  
>The theory says that the primary tumor not only generates an 
>angiogenesis stimulator that works at close range, it also produces an 
>angeogenesis inhibitor that works at long range.  I guess this is what 
>prevents the whole body from bursting out in blood vessels.  
>When metastisis occur, they have to fight against the inhibitor, so will 
>not grow beyond some undetectable size. 
>When the primary is removed, the angiogenesis inhibitor is no longer 
>produced.  Now all the metastises can start growing.  
>Checking up on my memory might not be a bad idea, it's been a bad month. 
>The program currently has a home page at 

EXTREMELY interesting!

Now THIS is yet another piece of evidence in support of the thesis
that cancer is N O T due to "random mutation" of DNA, but is due to
purposeful editing of DNA by a pathogen that is out to make an honest
living and propagate its species.

Of course some idiot like ... no, I'll resist the urge to name names...
will tell us that no, it's just random mutation followed by natural
selection.  Except THAT only works when the mutation gets spread by
exponential reproduction.  And if THAT is happening, we are again saying 
that cancer is due to a biological pathogen that REPRODUCES.  Because
that finely tuned preparation for angiogenesis keeps showing up in ALL
cancer patients (well, all affected by metastasis and angiogenesis),
not just SOME of them, as would be the case if it were just random
mutations, occurring individually in each new patient.

-John S.,
 Wellesley Hills, MA USA

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