Protein threading programs

Nicolas Le Novere nl223 at cus.cam.ac.uk
Wed Oct 11 02:54:44 EST 2000

"Richard P. Grant" wrote:

> I know there are excellent threading programs which will take your
> protein and compare it with all known structures, and programs that will
> take two structures and compare them, but what I want is a program that
> will take a protein sequence and attempt to thread it through a single
> known structure.
>  What will do this, please?

Any threading program. You just construct a template database containing 
only one structure, see for instance THREADER:

In addition some graphical environments allow interactive threading, for 

Dr Nicolas Le Novère
Dpt of Zoology, Univ of Cambridge, Downing street, Cambridge CB2 3EJ, UK
tel: +44 1223 336623  fax: +44 1223 336676   e-mail: nl223 at cus.cam.ac.uk
"Things have changed in the past two decades." Bill Gates (1995)

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