
Julius gagilas at mailsurf.com
Tue Oct 10 10:56:31 EST 2000

I allways use Calbiochem hydroxyapatite HR and have no problems.


Jeremy Murray <jez at csb.yale.edu> wrote in message
news:39E1136F.A5B3DA76 at csb.yale.edu...
> hey
> I am looking for suppliers of hydroxyapatite for chromatographic
> purposes. I am currently using a CHT-5 column purchased from
> BioRad, the media in the column has taken a recent battering and
> needs to be renewed. I have contacted BioRad about this but they
> are unable to supply me with the required quantity within a reasonable
> period of time. I would be grateful if anyone could recommend the names
> of suppliers that they have used and any suggest protocols to prepare
> the
> media for column chromatography.
> tnx in advance. J.
> --

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