I wonder!
A few air bubbles would certainly distort the run, but the picture is like
nothing I have seen before (and I have more than a little experience in
SDS-PAGE). Is it possible that somehow the gel is polymerizing at
significantly diffrent rate in the middle? More appropriately, the the gel
seems to be of a higher %-age (hence the retardation) where the stained band
is "frowning" so much.
At 06:58 PM 5/17/00 GMT, Nick Theodorakis wrote:
>In article <8fuo11$1ftm at r02n01.cac.psu.edu>,
> "Kunal Mukhopadhyay" <kunalm at iname.com> wrote:
>> Here are the images of the gels that I mentioned in my earlier post.
>>>> www.personal.psu.edu/kxm66/gels/tiffa1.jpg
>>>> www.personal.psu.edu/kxm66/gels/tiffa2.jpg
>>>> They certainly are nothing to brag about! Any comments would be appreciated.
>>>> P.S Yes...I have run better ones, just in case anyone may wonder.
>>>>My first guess is that you have an air bubble trapped on the bottom
>plate, disrupting the current flow around that region of the gel.
>>What kind of a gel setup do you use? The older ones that formed the
>bottom by putting a spacer inside the plates were prone to this. In the
>"olden days" we used to keep either a syringe with a bent needle or a
>"bent" pasteur pipet around so that we could squirt buffer up into that
>space after putting the gel in the tank in order to flush the bubbles
>Nick Theodorakis
>nicholas_theodorakis at urmc.rochester.edu>>>Sent via Deja.com http://www.deja.com/>Before you buy.
Dr. Hiranya Sankar Roychowdhury
New Mexico State University
Las Cruces, NM 88003
Ph. (505) 646-5785
hroychow at nmsu.edu