Dear Colleagues,
On behalf of my group, I would like to inform you that we recently
released a set of web engines that provide access to several algorithms
that we have developed and published. The web engines are accompanied
by a collection of training data sets as well as a detailed on-line
tutorial, and allow you to carry out a number of tasks that include
pattern discovery in proteins and dna, multiple sequence alignment,
association discovery (e.g. gene expression analysis, etc.), text mining
in unformatted natural text, etc.
In addition to the web servers, you can download code (in executable
form) for our algorithms and associated utilities for three platforms
(AIX, Windows 9x/NT, Sun/Solaris). Finally, we have also made available
Bio-Dictionaries(TM) for 17 complete genomes.
The web servers, executable code, training data sets, tutorial, and
Bio-Dictionaries(TM) can be accessed through the group's main web page
We hope that you will find these tools useful and welcome your feedback
on how we can improve our site and web engines.
Isidore Rigoutsos
Manager, Bioinformatics & Pattern Discovery Group
IBM Thomas J Watson Research Center
P.O. Box 218
Yorktown Heights, NY 10598, USA.
Phone: (914) 945-1384
FAX: (914) 945-4104