&replyto=391BE3E4.CBC2290A@freeuk.com&subject=Re: blue native PAGE and molecular mass analisys

Valeria Maida vale at ssmain.uniss.it
Mon May 15 07:09:15 EST 2000

I agree (I mean there is a fast equilibrium between the two species) but as 
I want to prepare a sample for NMR, I can NOT play too much with pH and 
also with salt concentration. By the way, what I observed is that 
increasing the amount of NaCl the gel filtration peak move towards the 
dimeric form but NMR told us that the dimeric specie seems a molten globule 
one, even if the tetramer is well folded. So my problem is to have one 
specie (dimer or tetramer) AND well folded AND, at the same time, 
omogeneous. Gel filtration seems not good to test omogeneity, maybe either 
BN-page is not, I don't know.
Any idea how to move the equilibrium towards a well folded tetramer or 
dimer (not using chaotrops)?
thank you for the suggestions


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