Tim Barnett wrote:
>> I am interested in designing a fusion of two proteins connected via a
> short amino acid linker region. Are there any rules of thumb for doing
> this, and if so, are there any good review articles discussing them.
> Thanks....
Can't think of any review articles on such an issue but you
can always try a literature search. However, in general,
you should try to avoid having a linker that can form some
kind of structure, i.e. it should be a flexible loop. As
such, you should think of residues that are frequently found
in loops such as, IIRC, glycines, serines etc.
Alternatively you can use the kind of linker sequences such
as those found in GST fusion protein (since they obviously
> --
> Tim Barnett, PhD
> Postdoctoral Research Fellow
> Department of Microbiology and Immunology
> Rollins Research Center
> Emory University
> 1510 Clifton Road
> Atlanta, GA 30322
>> Ph: (404) 727 0522