Engineering a disulfide bond

Hiranya S. Roychowdhury hroychow at NMSU.Edu
Wed May 10 10:54:29 EST 2000

I have not used it yet, but the PredictProtein server
(http://cubic.bioc.columbia.edu/predictprotein) may be able to to help you.

At 10:21 PM 5/9/00 GMT, Larry wrote:
>My thesis work involves studying the protein-protein interactions
>between two enzymes.  One of the interaction domains is a short 69
>amino acid coiled-coil motif.  We've cloned and expressed this region
>in E. coli but want to engineer a disulfide bond to "close" off the
>loop (and make the motif more rigid).  I know that disulfide bond formation
>is subject to many variables (correct phi, psi angles, etc.).  Is
>there a computer or web-based program that will help me predict where
>I can insert two cysteines to create this disulfide bond?  Thanks.

Dr. Hiranya Sankar Roychowdhury
New Mexico State University
Las Cruces, NM 88003
Ph. (505) 646-5785
hroychow at nmsu.edu


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