Deadline for Madison Bioinformatics Courses

Jeff L. Blanchard jlb at ncgr.org
Fri May 5 15:33:05 EST 2000

This summer the BioPharmaceutical Technology Center Institute in Madison, WI
will be offering the following two bioinformatics-related courses.  The application 
deadline for the courses is this Monday May 7th.  After this date applicants will be 
accepted on a first come/ space available basis.  However since the classes are limited to 
16 participants additional space will be scarce, especially for "Techniques in 
Bioinformatics and Comparative Genomics".

For more information see http://www.btci.org/courses/CoursesList/courses.htm or
contact Jeff Blanchard at the address below.

Techniques in Bioinformatics and Comparative Genomics June 18 - June
23, 2000

Objectives and Goals:  This five-day intensive computer laboratory
course is designed to help participants construct a working library of
bioinformatic tools and resources.  The format will combine lectures
and interactive problem-solving sessions with each participant working
individually at a computer.  An emphasis will be placed on analysis of
practical problems posed by the participants.  The flow of the course
will move from traditional sequence analysis techniques to the
opportunities afforded by the imminent flood of genomic information.
Afternoon research seminars by the instructors will sample academic
and private sector visions of bioinformatics and highlight creative
approaches to utilizing genomic data.  (Please note:  this course is
designed to provide an overview of the field; detailed training in
specific packages will not be provided.)

Instructors include:

Jeff Blanchard, Ph.D., Research Scientist, National Center for Genome Resources
Tim Burland, Ph.D., Vice President and General Manager, DNASTAR 
Barbara Butler, Ph.D., Bioinformatics Training and Education Group Leader,
	Genetics Computer Group 
Ross Overbeek, Ph.D., Senior Computer Scientist, Integrated Genomics 
Ann Palmenberg, Ph.D., Professor, Institute for Molecular Virology
	Department of Biochemistry,University of Wisconsin 
Michael Slater, Ph.D., Senior Scientist, Promega Corporation 
Jeff Thorne, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Department of Statistics, 
	North Carolina State University


Database Design and Development for Genomics Research June 29 - July
1, 2000

Course Overview:  Databases have been the quiet intermediary of
molecular biology research and in their current state offer a
wonderful example of using the web to share experimental results and
knowledge.  In recent years there has been a proliferation of
individual and community oriented databases that contain DNA sequence,
expression, structural, enzymatic, phenotypic, organismal and other
types of data.  Many scientists and private companies now face the
challenge of integrating their data into these heterogeneous databases
and/or synthesizing databases before they can finally get to the heart
of a research question.  This three-day "hands on" workshop will start
with a session on "What are databases?"  and move onto to database
issues in molecular biology related to storing, integrating,
visualizing, analyzing, synthesizing and presenting data.  The
workshop is geared for people in molecular biology lab groups and
computer scientists getting into bioinformatics.  The format will
combine discussions with problem-solving sessions and each participant
will work individually at a computer.

Some specific topics include:

An introduction to database systems and biological databases
Using object-oriented principles to construct a relational database
Developing and using gene expression databases
Genomic Data Warehouse - Integrating data for Complex Analysis 
Integrating undisclosed/private and public data 
Development of Mouse Databases at the Jackson Laboratory 
A Distributed Sequence Annotation System 
Ontologies for Molecular Biology Databases

Instructors include:

Jeff Blanchard, Ph.D., Research Scientist, National Center for Genome Resources 
Carol Bult, Ph.D., Research Scientist, Mouse Genome Informatics Group, The Jackson 
Allan Dickerman, Program Manager, National Center for Genome Resources
Elizabeth Shoop, Ph.D., Research Associate, Computational Biology Center, University of 
Lincoln Stein, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory
Jennifer Weller, Ph.D. Program Manager, National Center for Genome Resources

There will probably be an additional instructor from the private sector. Matteo di Tommaso 
from Genetics Computer Group was originally scheduled to participate.  However, his is in 
the process of moving to Celera and because of the time of his move will not be able to 
make it. 


The BioPharmaceutical Technology Center Institute (BTCI) is a
not-for-profit organization operated exclusively for educational,
scientific and cultural purposes.  One goal of BTCI is to promote the
exchange of scientific, educational and cultural information between
industry, educators and the general public by providing facilities and
resources to support conferences, seminars, classes, and electronic
distribution of programs.


Jeffrey L. Blanchard
Research Scientist
National Center for Genome Resources
2935 Rodeo Park Drive East
Santa Fe, NM 87505
tel: 505-995-4405
fax: 505-995-4432


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