Purification with His-Tag

Arnoud van Vliet avvliet at knoware.nl
Thu Mar 23 17:51:09 EST 2000

I've been told that imidazole might cleave your protein under certain
conditions; therefore I don't like it. Try pH elution, followed by rapid
neutralization after elution. Should work fine

hope this helps

Dr. A.H.M. van Vliet
Vrije Universiteit
The Netherlands

Sigrid Van Boxstael <svboxsta at vub.ac.be> wrote in message
news:38DA31B9.6ABBFDAC at vub.ac.be...
> Hi,
> I'm purifying my protein with the His-TAG-method.
> My protein, the ATCase of pyrococcus abyssi consists of two different
> subunits.  The His-Tag  is attached to one of them.
> After elution with Imidazol (100 mM Imidazol), I concentrated my protein
> and put it on gel.
> On SDS gel it looks very nice and pure, on a native gel on the other
> hand, there is a smear in which I can distinguish one band.
> The native gel is a 6 % Tris-glycine gel.
> Is it possible that the high imidazol concentration has an influence on
> the migration in my native gel.
> Is it possible that because of the His-Tag the protein forms higher
> molecular weight aggregates, dimers?, Trimers?
> Can I remove the Imidazol just by dialyzing?
> Thanks in advance
> Sigrid
> Sigrid Van Boxstael
> E. Gryzonlaan 1
> 1070 Brussels
> Belgiuml

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