Colloidal Blue

John E. Wiktorowicz, Ph.D. johnw at lynxgen.com
Mon Mar 13 07:58:23 EST 2000

Concentrates can be obtained from Sigma or Pierce. Sigma's (and probably Pierce's as well) will contain 0.29M phosphoric acid and 18% of saturation of
ammonium sulfate after dilution, if you follow their protocol exactly.Working solutions are made up to 20% in methanol and not stable for long. Maximum
sensitivity is obtained by fixing the gel first (typical HOAc+MeOH solutions). The advantage is in the minimal destaining requirement (probably also leading
to maximum sensitivity). Further details can be bound in the Neuhoff paper mentioned in one of the replies. Good luck

David Coulson wrote:

> I was wondering if anybody could help me with a "recipe" for
> making up Collodial Blue (Comassie G-250) solution for
> staining SDS-PAGE gels.  Do you just make it up in water?,
> and if so what sort of concentration?
> Any help would be appreciated
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