CBB-G is the dye used inh Bradford's prot. assay. For staining gels, it uses
a slightly different solvent system, but I can't remember off the top of my hat.
CBB-G also stains the bands a little towards the "red" side, instead of the
usual blue coloration as seen with CBB-R.
Some say that CBB-G is more sensitive, but I used it a couple of times quite
a while back and found it to be not so.
At 12:18 PM 3/13/00 +0000, Richard P. Grant wrote:
>In article <109ec386.d1a7c612 at usw-ex0109-066.remarq.com>, David Coulson
><d.coulsonNOd.SPAM at qub.ac.uk.invalid> wrote:
>>> I was wondering if anybody could help me with a "recipe" for
>> making up Collodial Blue (Comassie G-250) solution for
>> staining SDS-PAGE gels. Do you just make it up in water?,
>> and if so what sort of concentration?
>>Coomassie brilliant blue R250? There is something which sounds similar
>but doesn't work. Can't remember what it is, exactly.
>>Anyhoo: 0.1 % coomassie in 40% methanol, 10 % glacial acetic acid in
>water (e.g. 2g dye, 800 ml MeOH, 200 ml GAA, make up to 2 l). Store at
>4C and can be reused several times. Stain for about 15 - 20 mins at RT.
>For destaining, I pour off the dye, then wash in dH20 (we have that on
>tap) twice, then wash in destain (same as above, minus the dye) with
>foam bungs to soak up the blue. This can also be re-used if you lid the
>container to reduce evaporation.
>>HTH, email me if you're stuck.
>Richard P. Grant MA DPhil
>Structural Studies Group, MRC-LMB
>http://www2.mrc-lmb.cam.ac.uk/personal/rpg/index.html>Please reply to rpg 'at' mrc-lmb.cam.ac.uk
Dr. Hiranya Sankar Roychowdhury
New Mexico State University
Las Cruces, NM 88003
Ph. (505) 646-5785
hroychow at nmsu.edu