gradigels pre-cast PAGE gels- can anyone recommend?

David Coulson d.coulsonNOd.SPAM at qub.ac.uk.invalid
Mon Mar 13 07:34:29 EST 2000

I have never come across the gels which you refer to, but I
can recommend gels which we have been using in our lab for
the last year or so.

They are made by a German company called NOVEX.

11040 Roselle St.
San Diego
CA 92121
Tel: 1-800-456-6634
Fax: 1-619-542-6635
E-mail: nvxtech at novex.com
Website: www.novex.com

We have not had any problems with these gels, they run very
well and are reproducable.

They might be worth a look

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