Genamics Expression Sequence Analysis Software

Marcel Dinger marcel at ihug.co.nz
Mon Mar 6 00:51:14 EST 2000

GENAMICS EXPRESSION: The Next Generation of Sequence Analysis Software

If you've gotten tired of the complexity of current sequence analysis programs,
we strongly recommend you take a look at Expression. We promise that you will be
amazed at how simple both basic and complex sequence analysis problems can be
solved with Expression.

Genamics Expression is a revolutionary new Windows application for DNA and
protein sequence analysis. Utilising a novel interface, Expression makes complex
computational analyses of sequence information incredibly simple. Expression
uses the very latest computing technology to set new standards in the way
sequences are analysed.

A fully-featured demo of Genamics Expression can be downloaded from

Feature Summary:
  Sequence Annotation
  Graphical Sequence Map
  Degenerate DNA and Amino Acid Sequence Support
  Restriction Analysis
  Primer Design and Analysis
  ORF Prediction
  Pattern Finding
  Reverse Translation
  GenBank Searching
  Pattern and Motif Identification
  Multiple Sequence Alignment
  Protein Structure Prediction
  Lightning-fast Algorithms
  Plugin Architecture for Developers

More details, including screenshots and tutorials, for Expression can be found
at http://genamics.com/expression/
We welcome your feedback.

Marcel Dinger,

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