redox buffer novice

che pillay p32 at rocketmail.com
Wed Jun 14 17:08:55 EST 2000

Hi All,

I am studying the redox properties of my enzyme using various redox
buffers (GSH/GSSG; cysteine:cystine; DTTred/DTToxid).  Most of the
protocols that have described in the literature for these buffers don't
describe whether these buffers were deoxygenated prior to use; or
whether any precautions were taken to prevent oxidation during the
assay.  Are there any protocols for redox buffers that take the effect
of oxygen into account ?

One more question: the active site cysteines of may enzyme may become
oxidised to sulfinic or sulfenic acids ... how could I test this ?

Thank you for your time,

Che Pillay
Dept. of  Biochemsitry
University of Natal
South Africa
pillayche at nu.ac.za


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