Postdoctoral position: zinc-metallopeptidases

Richard Siviter r.j.siviter at leeds.ac.uk
Tue Jun 13 11:17:49 EST 2000

University of Leeds
Faculty of Biological Sciences
Schools of Biology and Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

Research Fellow (PhD) in Biochemistry/Molecular Biology
Ref. No. 083/235/004/027
This post, funded through the Genomics in Animal Function Initiative, is
available immediately for a fixed period of up to three years to study
the physiological roles of novel zinc-metallopeptidase genes in the fly,
Drosophila melanogaster. Applicants should have a PhD in
biochemistry/molecular biology or an allied subject and need not have
experience of working with Drosophila. Salary will normally be on the
scale for Research Staff Grade 1A starting at £16,286 -18,185 p.a.
depending on qualifications and experience. For further information, see
http://www.biology.leeds.ac.uk/research/Develop/index.htm.  Informal
enquiries about the post may be made to Dr R E Isaac, email:
r.e.isaac at leeds.ac.uk, tel. 0113 2332903.

Application forms and further particulars may be obtained from Mrs Lynn
Buckley-McDonald, tel. 0113 233 2880, fax 0113 233 3091,  School of
Biology, The University of Leeds, Leeds, LS2 9JT. In all enquiries
please quote the appropriate reference number

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