Pierce is the company that has focused on this particular method (went out of
vogue a while back). There are many cross linkers that are available for
exactly this purpose.
They also have a good body of information.
Martin Offterdinger wrote:
> Hi netters,
> Is it possible to do in vivo chemical crosslinking, i.e. treat cells with a
> crosslinker and isolate proteins afterwards in order to analyze protein
> interactions via immunopreciptation and/or Western?
> Which crosslinker (s) can be used for that purpose?
> Which controls should be done?
> Any input is highly appreciated!
> Thank you!
> martin
Austin P. So (Hae Jin)
Biotechnology Laboratory
University of British Columbia
E-mail: haejin at netinfo.ubc.cahttp://www.interchange.ubc.ca/haejin/index.html (under construction)