Hydrophobic interaction chromatography problem

Achim Recktenwald, PhD ARecktenwald at StressGen.com
Fri Jan 21 17:57:42 EST 2000

Check out Pharmacia; they make two short-chain HIC-resins, Source15 Eth and
Source15 Iso.



"Lars Komorowski" <larskomo at biochem.mu-luebeck.de> wrote in message
news:866ip5$nof$1 at post.student.mu-luebeck.de...
> I want to use a propyl residue as the active group. My problem is that
> Sigma seems to vend some old stuff based on agarose as  matrix. I want to
> know if there are some other possibilities.
> Another solution is to manufacture the material by myself. Has someone got
> recipe for doing it (needed reagents, activated groups on the matrix etc.)
> Lars

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