Postdoctoral position

Leemor Joshua-Tor leemor at cshl.org
Wed Jan 12 18:43:04 EST 2000


Applications are invited for a postdoctoral position in macromolecular
crystallography at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory to work on complexes
involved in gene expression. The positions are available for highly
motivated applicants with a recent Ph. D. and experience in either protein
crystallography or a related field or those with experience in biochemistry
or molecular biology and a keen interest in protein crystallography and
structural biology. Experience in protein purification is an advantage.

Our X-ray crystallography facilities include a Rigaku generator, mirrors,
an R-axis detector, an Oxford cryosystem and several graphics workstations.
We share a beamline at the nearby National Synchrotron Light Source (NSLS)
at Brookhaven. We also have state-of-the-art facilities for carrying out
biochemical and molecular biology studies. Cold Spring Harbor provides a
unique stimulating and very collaborative environment for rich scientific
interactions. For details about CSHL please see our web site at:

Please send CV, list of publications, a summary of research experience and
interests, and names and numbers of three references to Dr. Leemor
Joshua-Tor, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, P. O. Box 100, Cold Spring
Harbor, NY 11724. Tel. (516) 367 8821. For additional information or
informal inquiries, please call or send e-mail to leemor at cshl.org

  Leemor Joshua-Tor, Ph.D.
  Associate Professor
  Keck Structural Biology
  Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory           Tel. (516) 367 8821
  1 Bungtown Road                         Fax  (516) 367 8873
  Cold Spring Harbor, NY 11724            e-mail: leemor at cshl.org
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