In my case excess fatty acids and membrane particles from the expresssion causes
smear in the PAGE-lanes, further purification removes it.
(eg. isopropanol extraction).
Ken wrote:
> Hello everybody!
> I have a simple question, but it's hard for me.
> I run SDS-PAGE using the protein samples prepared by myself, and stain the
> gel with commassie blue after ecletrophoresis. The troublesome thing is that
> there is always smear on the gel according to the place of each lane. I
> don't know if this means the protein is degraded, or should the staining
> appear to have some major visible band .
> I am sorry for my poor description, but if you are interested in this
> problem, I can email you a picture of the gel.
> thanks a lot!!!
> Kun Qian
Marco Bocola Dept. of pharmaz. Chemistry
AG Prof. Klebe
Tel: +49-6421-28-5071 Marbacher Weg 6
Fax: -8994 D-35032 Marburg
e-mail:bocola at
:-( There are no problems, just solutions !? :-)