Biolinks: The Life Sciences Search Engine!

Biolinks sales at biolinks.com
Thu Oct 28 22:10:54 EST 1999

Have you visited Biolinks recently?

Biolinks is the WWW's premiere internet search engine of life science
websites.  Designed by scientists for scientists, Biolinks offers an
alternative to the less focused, mainstream search engines by
concentrating on webpages in the life sciences.  Here are just a few
facts about Biolinks:

1.  The search engine contains over 200,000 pages to sites ranging from
antibodies to zebrafish!

2.  Spider technology developed in house that searches scientific
webpages 2 to 3 links deep and eliminates links unrelated to the life

3.  Spider technology that removes outdated URLs ensuring that the
search engine database is kept fresh.

Visit our index which features information on the latest meetings, a
comprehensive list of journals, links to databases and search tools, and
much more!  It can all be found at:


ps.  If you are a company interested in advertising on Biolinks contact
us at sales at biolinks.com for details on webtraffic and costs. 
Interested parties will be responded to on a first-come-first-serve

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