Overproducing protein

Colin Rasmussen colin at pombe.usask.ca
Tue Nov 30 13:43:47 EST 1999

Serge Champetier wrote:

> I am seeking a simple system for overexpression of a 50 amino acid
> protein. High yield (at least 10 mg) and good purity of the protein are
> needed, but no post-translational modification is required. Is the GST
> fusion protein system in E.coli a good choice?
> Serge Champetier, M.Sc.
> Quebec City, Canada.

GST is probably not a good idea since the tag is 27 kDa (about 250 aa).
Why not do some standard biochemistry and purify it on HPLC.  With a
variety of steps you should be able to get it fairly pure.  At 50 aa, gel
filtration could be pretty useful.

Colin Rasmussen

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