Postdoctoral Position in Protein Interactions
Vanderbilt University
Nashville, Tennessee, USA
A postdoctoral position is available April 1, 2000 to develop a new
technique for assaying protein-protein interactions in situ. This
technique assays the proximity of fusion proteins by Bioluminescence
Resonance Energy Transfer (BRET). Preliminary studies characterizing the
BRET technique in bacteria are described in:
Xu, Y., D. Piston, and C.H. Johnson. 1999. A bioluminescence resonance
energy transfer (BRET) system: Application to interacting circadian
clock proteins. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 96: 151-156.
The candidate will focus on extending the BRET technique to mammalian
cells in culture. Because our lab primarily studies the molecular and
cellular basis of circadian (daily) rhythmicity, part of the project
will also utilize the technique to examine the interaction of circadian
clock proteins over the daily cycle in situ. Salary will be consistent
with the NIH scale. Support for this position comes from an NIH grant
that begins April 1, 2000 (pending final approval of a grant proposal
that received a high priority score) and ends March 31, 2002, but the
position will be continued if the grant is renewed and/or the candidate
can apply for their own postdoctoral fellowship after beginning the
project. Required: experience with molecular genetic techniques.
Desirable: experience with transfection of mammalian cells in culture,
other protein interaction assays, and/or microscopic techniques.
Interested applicants should send a current CV including the names of
three references to: Dr. Carl Johnson, Dept. of Biology, Box 1812-B,
Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN 37235 USA.
email: carl.h.johnson at