Overproducing protein

Dima Klenchin klenchin at facstaff.REMOVE_TO_REPLY.wisc.edu
Fri Nov 26 14:11:05 EST 1999

:I am seeking a simple system for overexpression of a 50 amino acid
:protein. High yield (at least 10 mg) and good purity of the protein are
:needed, but no post-translational modification is required. Is the GST
:fusion protein system in E.coli a good choice?
:Serge Champetier, M.Sc.
:Quebec City, Canada.

Because the protein is so small, going with bulkier fusion such as
GST (as opposed to his tag) does indeed make sense. With *any* system,
you won't get "pure" protein in just one step. With regard to purity, 
GST may not be the best choice. Cleavable maltose binding protein or 
Intein-based system (see NEN catalog) might be better. YMMV.

        - Dima

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