Jeoung sook Shin js13 at duke.edu
Tue Mar 30 11:31:37 EST 1999

 Has anybody used Streptolysin O for permeabilizing some cells? I'm trying 
to permeabilize mast cells with SLO. And an unexpected
problem came up. I don't know 
how to store the reagent in stable state. I bought it from Sigma and 
dissolved with water, aliquoted, and froze it. And just before using 
it, I treated it with 20mM of DTT to activate it because SLO is readily 
oxidized in solution, which is inactive . On the first day I got 
my cells permeabilized by SLO treatment. But from the next day, I have 
got the same result even though I used ten times higher concentration of 
SLO. Sigma says SLO solution should be made fresh , but it's almost 
impossible because one bottle has only 900ug. This is frustrating. Does 
anybody have an answer to this problem? Please let me know ASAP, please. 
 Thanks in advance.
Jeoung-Sook Shin

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