Purification of palmitoylated proteins?

Dima Klenchin klenchin at facstaff.REMOVE_TO_REPLY.wisc.edu
Fri Mar 26 17:17:20 EST 1999

:Is anyone aware of  an affinity technique (or the like) that will
:selectively purify fatty acid modified proteins (specifically
:palmitoylated ones?).

Those that *are* palmitoylated or those that *can* (and maybe are
to begin with)? If former, I doubt any selective technique exists -
palmitate is simple moiety and HIC would pick up too many 
simply hydrophobic proteins as a huge background. If latter, then
in case of periferal membrane proteins that are bound by virtue
of palmitate, treatment of well-washed memebranes with 
hydroxylamine will release them into solution.

        - Dima

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