expression vectors

Darrin D Simmons OUI at prodigy.net
Thu Mar 18 01:21:49 EST 1999

Hi all,
    We are currently having problems expressing a particular protein in
bacterial systems with the pROex and pET series expression vectors ( which
have usually worked well for us).  As a result, we are looking for bacterial
expression vectors from other companies - in particular, ones that would
allow the addition of an epitope tag (like a his tag but not exclusively). A
site with a list of vectors or just a "this one from company X works great
for us" would be appreciated. You can reply to the group or to the email
address below.

Thanks in advance,
Darrin Simmons

Dept. Of Cellular and Structural Biology
Univ. of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio
simmons at uthscsa.edu

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