Western blotting

Mark Warner mwarner at dogwood.botany.uga.edu
Fri Mar 12 11:13:31 EST 1999

UAB Person wrote:
> I am new to the Western blotting game, and am having some trouble with
> consistancy from blot to blot.  Can anyone recommend a good Western
> blotting lab manual with methods, trouble-shooting, recipes etc.  We are
> attempting to measure GAP-43 in cell culture lysates with a commercial
> antibody.
> Thanks in advance.
> John Moore

Just about any protein methods book will have one section dedicated to
blotting. I have also found some usefull information from the equipment
suppliers (ie. Biorad has some tech bulletins of general use) and you
can also get some good advice from the manufacturer of you membrane
material. Most have good tech support departments that are more than
happy to supply you with advice. I would suggest you look for a good
methods book too since you will learn the ins and outs of the method
along with the pitfalls associated with your protein, buffer choice etc.
Good luck.


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