Discovery Notes @ Bioinformatics

Christos Ouzounis ouzounis at ebi.ac.uk
Mon Mar 8 10:14:53 EST 1999


The editors of Bioinformatics have now introduced a new category of
paper to the journal called "Discovery Notes". This is intended for the
reporting of biologically interesting discoveries using computational
techniques. Topics may include sequence motif detection, structural
similarities, gene structure prediction, comparative genomics,
metabolic pathways and other aspects of computational molecular
biology. The new category complements the original papers, reviews and
applications notes that are presently published.

The description of the analysis can be up to 2 pages long (1000 words)
including one/two figures. An abstract is not required. Sequences must
be freely available in the database and the results of the analyses
should not have been published elsewhere. The paper will be

For more information see: 


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