Genamics Biochemistry Resources at just got better:
With over 650 software entries, 360 journal speed links, and 100+ genome
project links, you can be assured that you can find what you need, and find
it quickly.
1. SoftwareSeek - The largest collection of software tools available for
Windows, MS-DOS, Unix, Linux and Macintosh platforms. Entries are classifed
into several categories, including DNA sequence analysis, protein structure
analysis, RNA structure prediction, molecular modeling, image analysis, and
sequence alignment.
2. GenomeSeek - A searchable database of current information about microbial
genome projects with links to relevant sites and publications. The database
over 100 entries.
3. JournalSeek - A searchable index to hundreds of journals, providing easy
access to a wealth of information. JournalSeek presently contains more than
360 journals, in a broad range of topics including molecular biology,
biochemistry, microbiology, neuroscience, immunology, and cancer.
We are committed to keeping the information on our pages as up-to-date as
possible and encourage input from our users. We don't require any sort of
log-in procedure, and our pages are not loaded with cumbersome advertising
Marcel Dinger,